2022 – 2024 in Brussels



The Brussels Cleaning Masters perform Bob Bob Bob in the exhibition Dot Dot Dot – The Poetry of Bob Kaufman, at Vroom, Brussels

In the anthology und kein Gedicht will Abschied von dir nehmen – Deutschsprachige Lyrik der Gegenwart, edited by Markus Peters, Sabine Schiffner and Amir Shaheen (Verlag Ralf Liebe, Weilerswist), the poems Sommer 1943 and Ein Mann, den seine Jacke trägt are published

Workshop of the DFG-project Visuelle Bildung (Visual Education) on the XII congress of the German Society for Aesthetics at the University of Fribourg

Lecture on Reverse Perspective in Intercultural Dimensions at the annual conference of the Society for Intercultural Philosophy, University of Tübingen

Publication of three poems in the anthology Zuerst warst du (Athena-Verlag)

Lecture in collaboration with Swantje Lichtenstein, Brotfabrik Berlin (photo: Alexander Graeff)

Shifts: Abschied, Trauer und Klage – Book presentation and talk with Swantje Lichtenstein at the Brotfabrik, Berlin

Presentation of Abschied ist ein langes Wort (Farewell is a long word) on the Leipzig Book Fair

Presentation of Unendlichkeit (Infinity) at Cusanushaus, Kues

In collaboration with Ortrud Kegel, Ralf Peters and Florian Zeeh publication of the artist book Gehen (Walking), including the poem Neusser Landstraße

Presentation of Abschied ist ein langes Wort at Studiobühne Gummersbach

Lecture on Blindness and Art at the University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf


Presentation of the philosophical novella Unendlichkeit at the KU Linz

Live on Radio Orange, Vienna, talking about Abschied ist ein langes Wort (Farewell is a long word)

Since then member of the German Society for Artistic Research

Essay about multilinguality for German Broadcaster WDR3, Gutenbergs Welt (editor: Kersten Knipp)

Interview and poem on literaturoutdoors, edited by Walter Pobaschnig

Abschied ist ein langes Wort (Farewell is a long word) published by Passagen Verlag

The Brussels Cleaning Masters perform The Waste Land by T. S. Eliot at Denderland, Geraardsbergen (Belgium)

Fête de la Musique, a book of poems, is published by Athena-Verlag, celebrated with a DJ-reading at Studio Bohde in Cologne

Performance of Magnolie by Neuer Männerchor Berlin, conducted by Adrian Emans at Galerie Herrenhausen, Hanover, as well as in the Clinker Lounge, Berlin

Live on Radio Orange, Vienna, talking about Brüsseler Tagebuch (Brussels Diary)

Unendlichkeit (Infinity) is published by Verlag Karl Alber

Presentation of Brüsseler Tagebuch (Brussels Diary) at Leipzig Book Fair

The Iliad by the Brussels Cleaning Masters

After the Image is published by Grafische Cel, Ghent

Indifferentie en herhaling (Indifference and Repitition) is published in De Uil van Minerva, an aesthetic reflection on regeneration

Workshop at Harvard Graduate School of Design, on the comparison of Reverse Perspective and Doppler Effect, together with Sarah M. Whiting and Wim Goes


Performance of Magnolie, by the choir De 2de Adem, conducted by Maarten Van Ingelgem, at Florakerk, Merelbeke

Lecture at the Mozarteum Salzburg on art pedagogy between rationalism and education, in the context of the conference Kritik (in) der Kunstpädagogik, organised by Iris Laner

Performance of Magnolie, by the choir De 2de Adem, conducted by Maarten Van Ingelgem, at Strijland Church, Gooik

Reading from Wasserzeichen (Watermark) at the Insel der Bücher, Essen (musically accompanied by Sören Marquard)

Brüsseler Tagebuch (Brussels Diary) is published by Passagen Verlag, book launch at the Frankfurt Book Fair Reading Island

Since then member of the PEN Zentrum deutschsprachiger Autoren im Ausland (PEN Centre of German-speaking Authors Abroad)

Atmosphere in Contemporary Chinese Illustration – Lecture with Yingda Dong at the conference Aesthetics of Atmosphere in an Intercultural Perspective, organised by the College of Media and International Culture, School of Philosophy, Zhejiang University, and the College of Liberal Arts, Guangxi Minzu University

Wasserzeichen (Watermark) is published by Athena-Verlag

Das Auge singt mit – Für eine Genealogie der Popkultur (The eye sings along – For a genealogy of pop culture) on praefaktisch

Reading of Das Leichte und die Leichtigkeit (The Light and the Lightness) on Formate der Kunstvermittlung 7 under the motto Keine Angst, at Leuphana University Lüneburg

Performance of Magnolie at the Berlin Philharmonie and the local Landesmusikakademie, by the Neuer Männerchor Berlin, conducted by Adrian Emans

The Brussels Cleaning Masters perform the Declaration of Human Rights in the exhibition Common Ground by Nathalie Bertrams, in the Bunker of Art, Aachen

Berliner Mitte (Berlin Mitte) is published by the Volkmar Mühleis Ensemble

Lecture at the University of Passau on Reverse Perspective, as part of the DFG research project Visual Education

Presentation of the artistic research project After the Image at the University of Applied Sciences in Hamburg, an event organised by the AG Medienphilosophie (Media Philosophy Group)

Lecture on a phenomenological understanding of intimacy, at the Dag van de filosofie at the KASK, Ghent

Lecture on Reverse Perspective at the Harvard Graduate School of Design, together with Wim Goes, nr. 20 of the series Five on Five/Books and Looks

Lecture on Regenerative Aesthetics at KASK, Ghent

Reverse Perspective, the Politics of Space, and Contemporary Art Practice – a joint presentation with Clemena Antonova and Wim Goes at the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna

Presentation of Artuarium – The Grammar of Art School, co-edited with Nancy Vansieleghem at Grafische Cel in Ghent, during the ELIA Academy in Brussels, LUCA School of Arts