2000 – 2010 in Brussels



Photo: Arne Hillienhof

Continuously since 2010, freelance writer for the German scholarly journal Philosophischen Rundschau

Poem publication in the magazine Mehr und weniger, published by Julietta Fix

Shows by mein Bruder Karin at De Markten (Brussels), Nucleo (Ghent), among other venues

Die Bodenlosigkeit des Fotografen (The groundlessness of the photographer) – text for the exhibition Whiteout and Other Stories by Geert Goiris in Hamburg’s Kunsthalle

Musical direction of Luc-Saint Lawaai Fanfare (Luc-Saint Cacophony Fanfare), with shows in De Centrale (Ghent), among other venues

Transmissies (Transmissions) – observations on the drawings of Dany Deprez, presented at the Limerick bookstore in Ghent


De vrije filosofe (The independent philosopher) – observations on photos and drawings by Ruth Loos, presented at the literary venue Passa Porta in Brussels 

Guest with the Dutch radio network VPRO in Hilversum, for a conversation with the sculptor Maurice van Tellingen about the abbreviated Dutch edition of Ein Kind lässt einen Stein übers Wasser springen – Zu Entstehungsweisen von Kunst (translated as Een kind keilt een steen over het water – Opmerkingen bij de manier waarop kunst ontstaat) 

Shows by mein Bruder Karin at OffOff-Cinema (Ghent), Au Soleil (Brussels), among other venues

Collaboration on video animation with the graphic artist Sarah Stadsbader

Publications of texts and podcasts on the German literary portal fixpoetry


Innenansichten (Interior views) – observations on the work of sculptor Maurice van Tellingen

Presentation of the solo album Folk at the venue Kulturrampe in Krefeld (Germany)

Presentation of the album Wir waren so lang nicht zusammen (We weren’t together that long) by mein Bruder Karin at the art academy Sint-Lucas in Ghent


Het meervoud van zin is zintuiglijk (The plural of sense is sensory) – observations on sculptures and installations by Trees De Mits, given at the Galerie De Witte Voet in Amsterdam

Birth of daughter Hanna


Continuously since 2006, vocalist and lyricist in the electronic music duo mein Bruder Karin

Afterimage – observations on the work of painter Peter Van Gheluwe

Lecture on “Blindness and art” at the University of Roehampton, London

Lecture at Ghent University on the topic blindness and art, in the context of the symposium “The Leopard’s Spot”

Presentation von Kunst im Sehverlust (Art in the loss of vision) at the Brussels Museum of Fine Arts 


Kunst im Sehverlust


Continuously since 2004, Lecturer, philosophy, at the art academy Sint-Lucas Ghent (today LUCA School of Arts) 

2003 – 2005

New edition of the ensemble Bestürzung (Bewilderment)

2000 – 2006

Singer and guitarist in the indie rock band henk, with shows in Cologne (Underground, MTC, Blue Shell), Brussels (De Pianofabriek, Festival The Mafia stole my guitar), Aachen (Musikbunker)

2000 – 2004

Doctoral studies, with PhD in art history, University of Cologne 

2000 & 2001

Presentation of the poetry of Dutch author Gerrit Kouwenaar at Munich’s Literaturhaus 

Translation of poems by Dutch authors Gerrit Kouwenaar and Hans Faverey into German, published in the journals Neue Sirene (Germany) and entwürfe (Switzerland)

Publication of my own writings in an edition from Galerie Plus, in Düsseldorf