Certain conceptions of art always go hand in hand with our own artistic work — often unsaid and implicit, yet visible in what we show and in which way. I wanted to illuminate this connection more closely, along with the question on whether and to what extent it could be illuminated at all. From 2006 to 2009, together with both female and male artists Parastou Forouhar, Michaela Melián, Maurice van Tellingen, Wim Catrysse and Angelo Vermeulen, I talked about this connection, in regard of each of their methods and exhibitions. The result is an observation on art, which understands practice and theory as proximity and distance, as the two moments of a double-sided event.
Ein Kind lässt einen Stein übers Wasser springen – Zu Entstehungsweisen von Kunst (A child skips a stone across the water — on the ways of creating art) appeared in 2011 with the Wilhelm Fink Verlag, including 58 colour and 5 b/w illustrations on 255 pages. The book costs € 42.90.
On 24 November 2011, the German radio network WDR5 broadcast an interview about the book in the programme Scala.