The exhibition dunkel (dark)

Vitrine #75 – December 1, 2016 – January 11, 2017 LUCA Library Sint-Lukas – Paleizenstraat 70 – 1030 Brussels



dunkel is a collaboration between mein Bruder Karin and the photographer Geert Goiris, produced as an artist-edition vinyl by Art Paper Editions in Ghent in 2016. The design is by Sarah Stadsbader and Jurgen Maelfeyt. Two hundred years on, romanticism is still topical: Goiris’ image was taken in the German Harz mountain range, on the Brocken, the legendary Blocksberg of Walpurgis Night. Mein Bruder Karin also dive deep into the night. Their songs are continually diffused with light, the morning darkens, as when sleepwalking, In den Nächten des Alltags (In everyday nights). Their love for LPs combines with enjoyment of the interaction between visual and auditive impressions, when you listen to the music while looking at the record sleeve. Its interior and exterior cannot be separated — and they are interchangeable; when the record is taken out, put on and the music resonates in the room, creates its own atmosphere, and no ‘outside’ remains untouched.