Volkmar Mühleis invites you to a celebration of music. The music titles mentioned before the individual sections are as varied and multi-faceted as the poems that follow. Music quickly takes on a different, much broader meaning: it is more about sound – the sound of life, of cities, the sound of language, the sound of silence.
Likewise, Mühleis transforms multi-layered – not only – visual impressions into language: Whether it is about small everyday occurrences such as the observation of a spider’s web, a wasp swimming in a glass, the awakening of spring while walking in the forest, or a thoroughly critical view of world events, social politics, the examination of interpersonal relationships and one’s own place in the world – the subtle, exciting and emotional melody of language makes reading a very sensual experience, a “Fête de la Musique”.
published in 2023 in the series edition exemplum of Athena-Verlag, Oberhausen
120 pages, 17,90 Euro